How to design a fun thumbnail for a YouTube video
Looking for ideas on how to upgrade your YouTube channel? Here is the step-by-step tutorial on creating a video thumbnail in Lunacy.

How To Create A Landing Page In Lunacy
Designing landing pages is one of the most common tasks for a web designer. This guide will be handy for juniors and Lunacy beginners.

Lunacy Tutorial: Glassmorphism In UI Design
Do you want to know how to design Glassmorphism? Here is the video tutorial and you can find the step-by-step guide below.

How to Create a Custom Vector Illustration From Stock Content
In this article, we’ll show how to craft your own illustrations in several easy steps. Without any dedicated graphic software. Without any special skills. The

Cutting Out Rasters In Lunacy Design Software
Did you ever need to cut out a specific part of an image? Now you can do it directly in Lunacy with the cutout tool!

How To Create A Valentine Card In Lunacy: Simple Tutorial
Are you preparing for Valentine’s day and want to create a custom card for your special other? I’ve made a simple tutorial on making Valentine’s day card

How to turn Generated Photos into 3D characters
Collaboration of Generated Photos and Reallusion: go from 2D to 3D with Reallusion and get 50% OFF Reallusion 2D and 3D software.

How to Draw a Snowman in Adobe Illustrator: Video Process
A new quick design tutorial is up, this time with the festive atmosphere of the winter holidays. Check the design process showing how to draw a simple cute snow

How to Create a New Year Card with Custom Illustrations in Lunacy
A new design tutorial presents a step-by-step process on how to make a custom New Year card in Lunacy, free graphic software with built-in design assets.

How to Make a Christmas Card in Lunacy: Simple Tutorial
Do you want to design some custom Christmas cards? Here is a simple tutorial on how to make a Christmas card in free Lunacy software with built-in design assets

How to Make YouTube Thumbnail for Christmas Video in Lunacy
Are you preparing for Christmas and need custom images for your YouTube videos? Here's a simple tutorial on how to make a Christmas thumbnail for a YouTube vide

How to Make Black Friday Banner for Twitter in Lunacy
Are you preparing for Black Friday campaigns for your company or brand? Check a simple tutorial on how to make a Black Friday banner for Twitter posts in Lunacy

How to Make a Custom Illustration in Free Vector Creator: Video Guide
You may need a custom illustration for your website or app, presentation slide, social media post, or email. What's the shortcut to getting it if you aren't an

How to Make a Halloween Banner in Lunacy: Step by Step
Simple design guide on how to make a custom event banner in Lunacy and share a piece of fun and style with your friends or readers on social networks.