Here you will find a super simple step-by-step tutorial on how to create a lovely image for your social account using Lunacy, free graphic design software with built-in design assets.

If you are in search of a free tool for making beautiful social media images for your posts or creating stylish pictures for social media marketing goals, Lunacy editor is here to help. But let us show instead of telling about it. To make a long story short, Icons8 designer Margarita has prepared a quick and easy guide demonstrating how to make an original image for an Instagram post using Lunacy, you can do it even if you have zero design background. Here’s a set of simple steps that will allow you to create a beautiful and clean custom image for a social media post.

So, let’s get started. Here’s the picture we wanted to get.

lunacy design tutorial instagram images

Download project for Lunacy

And here’s how it was made in Lunacy.

1. Create a new file. On the bottom right tab, choose the size of the artboard for the social network you need. In this case, the image size for Instagram is chosen.

lunacy design tutorial instagram images

2. On the left side panel, choose Libraries, here you’ll see different types of graphics and photos integrated into Lunacy. Choose Photos to find the background you like.

lunacy design tutorial instagram images

3. On the left-side panel find the pattern you like and apply it to the artboard.

lunacy design tutorial instagram images

4. Use a Rectangle tool to create a rectangle shape.

lunacy design tutorial instagram images

5. Align the rectangle to center, horizontally, and change it’s color to white.

lunacy design tutorial instagram images

6. Add the shadow to give it a natural look.

lunacy design tutorial instagram images

7. Use Image tool to import your own photo.

lunacy design tutorial instagram images

8. Insert it into the rectangle.

lunacy design tutorial instagram images

9. Align the image to center, horizontally.

lunacy design tutorial instagram images

10. Use Text tool to add a text part if you want.

lunacy design tutorial instagram images

11. Place the text you need under the photo.

lunacy design tutorial instagram images

12. Edit the text, choose the proper font style and size, align it to center.

lunacy design tutorial instagram images

13. Use the Eyedropper tool to change the text into one of the dark colors from the photo.

lunacy design tutorial instagram images

14. Export the image (you can find the button for it on the right-side panel) and enjoy it, it’s ready to get posted to Instagram!

lunacy design tutorial instagram images

Download project for Lunacy

The flow shown above allows you to make you any custom designs and cool images with Lunacy for your posts in any social network: just choose the needed size of the artboard in the initial step, it includes the required social media sizes. The guide can be helpful for social media managers, content makers, bloggers, writers, educators, and just any people who share their knowledge, experiences, and lifestyle to the world via social networks. Feel yourself a designer even if you’ve never tried it before!

Got any questions? Welcome to the comments here.

About the author: Margarita Ivanchikova is one of the lead designers for Icons8, who finds time to not only create icons, illustrations, and animations but also share her experience with other designers in tutorials and guides. You may have seen before her video tutorial on morphing graphics in After Effects

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