How to Write User Friendly Content That Converts
Get some real-life tips and examples on creating user friendly content that boosts conversions.

Tips for Using Icons in Your App
In this article, let's summarize the main problems associated with the icons in UI and check a set of solutions to these problems.

How to Sell a WordPress Theme at ThemeForest
Many web designers are thinking of trying to sell their templates at the famous Envato marketplace, and some already succeeded in doing so. In this article, we

Mobile Form Usability
Mobile users have a particular goal but often the one thing that is standing between the user and his goal is a form. Learn how to design them effectively.

What are the risks involved when setting up an internal UX team?
Read the story about the risks you may face setting up an internal team of user experience designers

Design career: best places to sell icons
What are the best places for selling icons? Well, to be honest, there are plenty of them! So let’s dot the i's and cross the t's.

How to create a seamless background pattern in Photoshop
Patterned backgrounds are an all-time classic you can use anywhere from web design to package design. Here's how to make one in a couple of minutes.

Creating a Christmas Background Pattern in Adobe Illustrator
A simple tutorial on creating a lovely seamless pattern for Christmas projects

How to Convert Icons to a Web Font
This article describes how to create fonts from SVG icons with two tools of your choice: either Icons8 App or Icomoon.io.

How to recolor a PNG icon in Photoshop
You need to take 9 steps to recolor a raster icon in Photoshop. Let's do it together in this simple tutorial.

How to Color Vector Icons in Adobe Illustrator
We're going to show you how to recolor glyph icons to any color in Adobe Illustrator. Although we're mostly thinking of our Windows and iOS icon packs, this