Graphic assets

Icons, illustrations, photos, and 3D graphics for all kinds of design projects.

Search for an icon or generate one? SVG icon AI-generators test

Search for an icon or generate one? SVG icon AI-generators test

As designers, we don't need just any icon. We need one that is a perfect fit for the actual design. Can AI-generated icons help here?

Secret Stories Behind Drawing Icons
Graphic assets

Secret Stories Behind Drawing Icons

Icon business is dead serious. There can’t be things like extra lines and every pixel matters. Yet, it can also be a lot of fun when people ask you to draw so

How To Customize Folders on a Mac
Graphic assets

How To Customize Folders on a Mac

Check the easy guide on customizing and organizing your folders

Which Icons Fit Into Text Well?
Graphic assets

Which Icons Fit Into Text Well?

Let's consider some of the most popular icon fonts

Icons in UI Design. Great Power of Small Details
Graphic assets

Icons in UI Design. Great Power of Small Details

Review the user interface design examples showing the big importance of small icons for usability and beauty of applications

How to Combine Icons from Different Sets in Your UI
Graphic assets

How to Combine Icons from Different Sets in Your UI

There is no problem in finding icons, the variety is huge. With that, however, comes a problem. Learn how to effectively combine icons from different sets.

3 Simple Tips to Improve Your App Icon Design
Graphic assets

3 Simple Tips to Improve Your App Icon Design

Every app needs a beautiful and memorable icon that attracts attention and is helpful for users. Learn 3 simple rules of making your app icon shine.

How to Add Icons to Your Email Signature
Graphic assets

How to Add Icons to Your Email Signature

Learn how to add icons to your email signature: it's easier than you think

Anti-Trump icon becomes more popular than the Trump one
Graphic assets

Anti-Trump icon becomes more popular than the Trump one

Quick research on user behavior on Trump icons in our icons library

Visual Perception: Icons vs Copy in UI
Graphic assets

Visual Perception: Icons vs Copy in UI

Our eyes are a powerful instrument of getting information in split seconds. What is more, most of data is absorbed unconsciously. Learn more about the issue of

Tips for Using Icons in Your App
Graphic assets

Tips for Using Icons in Your App

In this article, let's summarize the main problems associated with the icons in UI and check a set of solutions to these problems.

Essential guide to social media icons
Design tools

Essential guide to social media icons

Here’s how to choose the right style for your social media icons and copy-paste them into anything from apps to emails.

What can you learn from people who drew 30,000 Icons?
Graphic assets

What can you learn from people who drew 30,000 Icons?

Drawing icons every day for 5 years won’t only get you 30,000 of them. You’ll also learn about sexism and racism, how designers and developers get along, tr

Why are so many companies changing to flat logo design?
Graphic assets

Why are so many companies changing to flat logo design?

Dive into the trend of flat design for branding and learn why many big and small companies are changing their logos to flat.

Design career: best places to sell icons
Graphic assets

Design career: best places to sell icons

What are the best places for selling icons? Well, to be honest, there are plenty of them! So let’s dot the i's and cross the t's.

Egyptian hieroglyphs compared with modern design guidelines
Graphic assets

Egyptian hieroglyphs compared with modern design guidelines

Let's have some research and fun comparing ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs to modern icons. Do they have anything in common?

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