Are you in love with a new crush or celebrating a big anniversary with your old partner? Whatever you feel on Valentine’s Day, you need some good tracks for basking in romantic lights.

Start Saint Valentine’s Day with some heartfelt music. Let it speak for you. And I’ve made the best romantic playlist for you to do so:

  • Crypt of Insomnia — The Rain Room
  • Max Sergeev — Take My Hand
  • Igor Popov — Paris
  • Draganov89 — Inspiring Piano
  • Svyat Ilin — Save The Date
  • Simon Jomphe Lepine — Trap In Love
  • Nargo Music — A Nice Romantic Break Away
  • Tal Babitzky — Night Mood
  • Nargo Music — All Your Love
  • Les Temps Modernes — Day Of The Conclusion

Find more best romantic music at Fugue.

And if you use those tracks as background music for your video, you’ll see the magic happen.

Follow Fugue music on Instagram and mention us on your social media. Be our Valentine! 🙂

Make sure to check out other playlists:

About the author: Lisa Zelenskaya, music producer at Fugue. Passionate about music and media. She explores new genres, styles, and musicians even in her spare time. She also loves teaching kids and presenting new artists to the audience.

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